Nady PS115 Passive P.A. Cabinets Reviews 2

I believe I paid 113.99 for each; I bought a pair. And S/H & tax. From Musicians Friend. I needed Cabs for my P.A. I have the board (Behringer MX2004)Power Amps (Carver PM.1.5 and Crown CE1000) Behringer Ultra Graph EQ, Nady Compressor and Crossover, Digitech DSP128 for FX (cheap way to go for P.A. applications). Etc..thought these Compact Cabs with built in crossover network would be all that. They are rated at 500 wts/1000 wts max. on.

Well, they work. Had to resolder the horn part. They have: 15" woofer and 5" horn/driver. Ok. Rated 500/1000 wts. But & 8 OHMS. So, have to buy a Power Amp that can do that. And they get spendy in that range. So, the drawback is that, considering the price of the cabs, being so cheap. But I question the power rating. Would like to test putting these through at 500/700 wts. And see if they don't blow up.

Lack of ohmage. Going thru my P.A. Head (Peavey 4 ch. 70's head rated at 200 wts) the cabs are quiet and don't have much output. So, to be expected. Dunno, get what you pay for?

For the most part, solid. Good covering. Plywood/Particle board cab. Hmm...ok overall.

Well, I bought mine without the ability to test it out, and so this what I got. Won't do that again with any piece of gear I purchase. For practice/small gigs, sure go ahead. But I don't recommend buying anything sight unseen.

Jiver rated this unit 2 on 2003-11-02.

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